September 15, 2010

Staying Clean

More of a note to myself than an interesting tale of computer woe, I installed MongoDB on my laptop last week. It took a long time, several hours, and I hit an annoying roadblock attempting to install db46, one of its dependencies. I’m using MacPorts.

sudo port install db46

Was giving me a checksum error:

---> Fetching db46
---> Attempting to fetch patch. from ...
---> Attempting to fetch patch. from ...
---> Attempting to fetch patch. from ...
---> Attempting to fetch db-4.6.21.tar.gz from ...
Error: Checksum (md5) mismatch for patch.

Google provided me with some "this is a known bug, here are the patches" information, but none of that was working. I ran selfupdate before trying to install MongoDB so I was at a loss. Turns out I just needed to clear db46 info:

sudo port clean --all -f db46

And then it worked like a charm. I also ran into Homebrew while trying to solve this problem, and might give it a try for package management.

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